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That Good Night

Dates 4-8 November 2025 7.30pm and 2.30 Sat Matinee



Ralph, in his seventies and terminally ill, has two final missions: to be reconciled to his long-abandoned son Michael, and, secretly, to ensure he is not a burden to his younger, devoted wife Anna as he goes "into that good night". But Ralph wrecks all hope of reconciliation when he picks a fight with Michael's girlfriend. Later, alone, Ralph receives the "Visitor" whose services he has hired to provide the painless ending. But the visitor plays a devastating trick.


2F 3M


Director - Tony Vokes

Assistant Director -

Production Manager - Barbard Seymour

Costume -

Props -

Sound Design -

Set Construction -

Set Design -

Lighting -

Box Office -

Sound operation -


Free parking

Disabled access (call for information if a wheelchair space is required)

Free hot drinks

Interval drinks (ca £2.50 for glass of wine)

Free downloadable programme and free to pick up on the night

Heated theatre!





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